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Tasty and Nutritious Kodo Millet Idlis

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

Made Kodo millet semolina and urad idlis this morning. They were super soft and spongy! Millets are coarse grains and are filled with protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, and also low on the glycemic index. I love to use them also because they are gluten free. The different types of millets are Pearl millet (bajra), Finger millet (ragi), Foxtail millets (kangni or kakum), Kodo Millet (arke or varagu or korra), Little millet (kutki), Pearl millet (bajra), Proso Millet (chena or barr) and Barnyard millet (varai or sama ka chawal), and Sorghum (jowar). Each of these are chock-full of nutrients. Please try to add these to your diet.

Kodo Millet Idli



• 1/2 cup urad Dhal

• 10 seeds methi ( Optional)

• 1 cup kodo millet semolina (I used the Shasta Brand available in our Indian Stores)

• Salt to taste


1. Soak 1/2 cup of urad and 10 Methi seeds (0ptional) for few hours.

2. Grind the soaked urad into a fine smooth batter. Make sure the batter is not watery.

3. Mix in 1 cup kodo millet semolina, salt to taste and ferment the batter over night. Please make sure the batter is well fermented before steaming the idli.

4. Steam the idlis in the idli molds in the morning.

5. I got 12 idlis from this batch.

6. I made a small batch as it’s just two of us and also it was the first time I was making it. Served it with red chutney. The recipe is posted in VeeVaasari in the Condiments section.

Idlis, hot and steaming right out of the steamer

Variations and Tips:

• To make the semolina at home, wash the millet and drain, then spread it on a dry sheet and sun dry for at least 4 hours or air dry for 8 hours or overnight. Dry grind it in your dry grinder to a coarse powder. (use the 'pulse' function if available) Further grinding it will get you millet flour, so please be very careful. I remember my mom used to keep washed and drained rice to dry on our dining table the fan on overnight. She would grind it into rawa the next morning. I dont remember her doing the millet though, dont think she made these idlis back then. I am lucky to be able to buy the different millets in semolina form.

• These idlis can be made with any of the millet varieties. I have made it with barnyard millet, Finger millet, kodo millet and proso millet as well. We just love them.


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