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  • Writer's pictureVee

Homemade Focaccia Bread

Focaccia bread is one of the most irresistible classic Italian recipes. Focaccia is a flat oven baked bread product similar in texture to pizza dough. Focaccia uses more yeast, which makes it softer, lighter and fluffier than pizza.

I have always wanted to bake assorted breads at home, but it was always more convenient to buy the breads at the store or bakery. Covid 19 lockdown certainly changed all that! People started cooking more and also baking at home. I make assorted breads and pizza at home, and I must say, it is certainly very therapeutic and relaxing. Recently I made Focaccia at home, I must say it was fun to do the focaccia art too.

Focaccia Bread ready to go into the oven

Hot Focaccia Bread ready to eat

Focaccia Bread



3 cups All Purpose Flour (Maida)

1 cup warm water (About 110 degrees Fahrenheit)

1 package (0.25 ounces) Active Dry Yeast

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1 tsp Salt (additional salt for sprinkling)

2 teaspoons Sugar or Honey

1/2 tsp Mixed Herb Seasoning (I used Italian Herbs)

1/4 tsp Rosemary

1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

Some Onion slices

Some Bell pepper/Capsicum slices

Few Olives


  1. Proof the yeast. Add warm water (about 110°F) and sugar or honey to the bowl and stir to combine. Sprinkle the yeast on top of the water. Give the yeast a quick stir to mix it in with the water. Then let it sit for 20 minutes until the yeast is foamy and it is proofed.

  2. Knead the dough. After the yeast has proofed, stir in the herbs, flour, olive oil and salt until the dough pulls together and begins to form. Put the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead by hand for 5 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding extra flour if the dough feels too sticky.

  3. Place the dough into a greased baking dish. Pat it down nicely with a little olive oil dipped palms. Cover with a damp cloth till in doubles in size. It can take 1 - 2 hours.

  4. With oiled fingers, punch and prick the dough.

  5. Brush the dough with oil, sprinkle more herbs, chilli flakes. place the sliced onions, bell peppers and olives and also sprinkle some additional salt.

  6. Bake in a preheated 400 degrees F oven for about 20 minutes or till the dough is golden brown.

  7. Remove from the oven, and drizzle with more oil if you feel that it needs more. Slice and serve warm.


Alternatively, if you want to use a stand mixer, set the mixer to low speed, and add gradually flour, olive oil and salt.  Increase speed to medium-low, and continue mixing the dough for 5 minutes.  (If the dough is too sticky and isn’t pulling away from the sides of the bowl, add in an extra 1/4 cup flour while it is mixing.)

You can bake the focaccia plain with salt and herbs only, and you can decorate your focaccia any way you wish.


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