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  • Writer's pictureVee

Gluten free Nankhatai

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

Eating gluten free has become a way of life for many, be it, due to an allergy or a preference. I have been wanting to come up with a gluten free version of nankhatai for a long time. So happy that I finally came up with one. I tried these out few times, just to make sure they worked every single time. I am very happy to share this delicious recipe.

Gluten free Nankhatai




• 1 cup Besan( gram flour)

• 1 cup almond flour

• 1 tbsp white rice flour

• 3/4 cup ghee (semi solid)

• 1 cup sugar

• 1 tsp cardamom pd

• A pinch salt

• 1/2 tsp baking powder

• 1/8 tsp baking soda

• Finely chopped nuts of your choice for topping (I used pistachios)


1. Sieve the besan , baking soda and baking powder.

2. Mix in the rice flour and almond powder and keep aside.

3. Add the salt, powdered sugar and cardamom powder and mix well.

4. Add in the ghee into the mixture gradually and rub the mixture gently.

5. The dough will surely come together nicely. DO NOT OVER MIX AND KNEAD TOO MUCH.

6. Cover and wrap the dough with a cling film and keep in the refrigerator for about 15 - 20 minutes.

7. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

8. Line the baking tray with parchment paper. (Or lightly grease the baking pan with ghee.)

9. Make equal sized even balls from the dough, and slightly flatten them.

10. Press the finely chopped nuts or a mix into the balls. (Make a light dent into the balls and fill in)

11. Make sure to keep enough space between the nankhatai balls as they will get bigger and spread .

12. Bake these beauties for 15- 25 minutes till light golden. Keep an eye while baking as all ovens oven temperature varies.

13. Remove from the oven, cool and transfer into an airtight container.

13. Enjoy these scrumptious gluten free nankhatai cookies!

This recipes makes about 25 - 30 cookies depending on the size.


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