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Apple Banana Halwa(Microwave)

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Tadaa! Microwave Apple Banana Halwa!

Had a couple of over ripe bananas and 2 apples staring at me, and here is the result!! Pretty happy with the outcome.

VeeVaasari Microwave Special Banana Apple Halwa




  • Apple - 2 (I used pink lady, you can use any) purée

  • Banana - 2 or 3 (puree has to be same amount as apple) I used regular cavendish bananas

  • Ghee - 2 tsps + some to grease the Thali

  • 1/2 - 1 tsp Cardamom pd (I like to add more as we like the flavor.)

  • Cashew bits (optional)

  • Sugar - about 1 cup +2 tsps (can increase as per taste) I think this could have used more sugar, but chose not to add more.

Note: I added 1/2 cup + 2 tsps organic granulated sugar and 1/2 cup jaggery powder)


  • Blend the apples, with or without skin (I used the skin too) and bananas together. (Add the bananas to the blender first and then the apples, as it will give the moisture) Add no other liquid.

  • In a big microwave safe bowl (Big, so you don’t have additional cleanup of the inside of the microwave too), first melt 2 tsps ghee for 10 secs.

  • Add the pulp. Cook about 5 minutes. Stir.

  • Cook again for 5 more minutes.

  • Add the sugar, stir well and return to oven again for a total of about 15 minutes. Set the microwave time for 3 minute intervals, and take out of the microwave and stir each time and return to the oven.

  • After 15 minutes, set the timer for 2 minutes each time and stir and replace in oven. (Oven timings may vary, you have to play around with the time)

  • It will turn darker and start leaving the sides of the pan.

  • When it comes together and the ghee starts coming out, add the cardamom pd and mix in the cashew pieces.

  • Return to oven for a couple more minutes. Put into a greased thali and cut when cool.

Notes: Halwa is usually made with ripe (NendrabaLen) plantains. I used regular overripe bananas. Today, I even added 2 apples.  I used only 1 cup sugar, plus 2 teaspoons more as  I felt the mixture tasted a little too tart. I probably could have used more sugar, but I chose not to add. You can play around with the proportions as I did. (The traditional recipe that I have from my mom and mother in law certainly has more sugar and ghee as well. This is an improvised recipe to suit my family. I love this microwave version as there is much less “elbow grease” involved.

Test for doneness - put a little into a bowl of cold water. if you can take it and form a ball, its time to stop. If not, return to the microwave for couple more minutes.

Another way is to use a candy thermometer. I stop when it is about 244 -246 just under firm ball consistency. If you go beyond it gets very hard when it cools.

Another word of caution - please make sure you cook at 5 minute intervals at first, and at 2 or 3 minute intervals as it thickens, and please pay close attention, as it will start burning and smoking up the microwave. A friend learned the hard way, when it started off her fire alarm.! This method is surely faster and involves less elbow grease, but please be careful. Safety first!


Dec 11, 2020

Wow Preeti, that’s so awesome!! I love your presentation as well! Thanks for trying out the recipe and letting me know, and also posting this beautiful picture!! 👌👌💕


Preeti Kodikal-Kallianpur
Preeti Kodikal-Kallianpur
Dec 10, 2020

Loved this recipe, dear Veenakka!! Thanks to your microwave recipe, I finally got over my “fear” of making halwa!! 😁 I made this again today out of ripe bananas and apples!! Here’s a pic...thanks to you!

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